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Technology leader talent acquisition

A technical leader has many responsibilities and expected to deal with a lot for stakeholders, business directions, finances, quality growth, value chain including but not limited to development of new products, services, processes and making sure the job where s/he was expected to do more is being addressed patently and genuinely without intermission.

A leader may perform as a leader-leader or leader-worker either as an owner, board, committee, executive or third-party independent practitioner. Independence in a leader is a must, an attribute in its personality as a whole, it demonstrates a can do attitude and sees nuances in decisions and even external influences. A leader-leader is the one that is seen, in actions and words, to be the best of the best and has earned great respect in leadership covering a major practice or discipline, as the leading practitioner or practicing expert to call the difference, in an industry, society, technology etcetera, while a leader-worker is one that sets examples of how jobs shall be accomplished, goals achieved, based on agreed upon and designated responsibility, and quantified impactful output, while contemplating adjacent and affected obligation to be taken up as well. We need to accept that as a leader, one way or the other, we are somehow accountable to our bosses, organizations, societies including but not limited to stakeholders, with which we are duty bound, and that our resolved is without question, to perform satisfactorily.

These technology leaders can operate and govern independently, readily available to provide both practical and innovative directions and are forthcoming to possibilities, enables stakeholders associated to the job to be a lot faster, more effective and efficient, regardless of the organizational or project setting they are in, guided by the goal of the business or simply improving the state of enterprise technology program.

A leader can be employed full-time or in a project basis. It should depend on the enterprise and its stakeholders to collectively decide which way is beneficial for them, for the short-term, the ensuing objective and the business' continual evolution.

This technical role shall lead and facilitate faster, more effective, efficient and reliable business success initiative where in failures and doubts are not tolerated nor an excuse to often recast realistic stature which serves stakeholders well.

A business-as-usual case in determining technical leader capability and fitness for the job when hiring includes graduates of top schools, foreign-based or advance degree education, popularity-based certification, higher number of working years and industry alignment experiences, and every candidate are expected to have these. These have become immutable criteria for most successful hires especially in big organizations. What's missing there is what the candidates had really done, successfully in the job and how frequent, or shall we say, natural, as soon as they get on the job, they can effectively get their work started. And a single or few tasks at a time being dealt with properly and increasing their responsibility along the way, could demonstrate the authenticity of their work, would validate hiring expectations, and overall develop value to the organization and with agreement and concurrence of performance to every stakeholder possible.   


What kind of technology leader do we need as present stakeholder and if there are differences, very specific, to the need of our company or business?

How is the technology leader candidate's understanding of the past specifically with organization's business and it's stakeholders?

Are we going to hire a specialist?

How many specialisms s/he has to have already acquired for an approximately 15+ years equivalent experience that we should see in a technology leader candidate?

How are those specialized experience, competencies, or discipline had been earned?

What education and training that made the technology leader candidate most effective and successful in the job, past and present, and what else should be taken into consideration?

Are those specialized skills able to contribute to the organization's advantage, some business aspect or operational improvement outside, of technology as a business unit, and growth of which s/he has designed and managed an autonomous team member and its production?

What initiative or project has s/he done on his own direction, at work, professionally and/or extra-curricular activities, from the past and at present?

Has the technology leader candidate exposure to corporate and business strategies, where s/he had been part, had caused their plans and objectives became a reality, and even more reliable and efficient?

What did the past employer(s)' reaction, or last words, everytime the technology leader candidate moves out, if any?

Has s/he any feedback about past employer(s), colleagues and team members, what could they be?

If the past employer(s) didn't allow the technology leader candidate to leave, and s/he stays, what could the reason had been?

Is the technology leader candidate expected to deliver or provide significant contribution to the whole enterprise and where we have operating presence?

Which industry do we have business with and operation in?

What makes our industry different from a few significant others?

What did we learn from our industry specialisms when it comes to our very own hiring practices and some successes with the development of our organization's human capital?

What did we accomplish from our past hires, do we have anything that may allow us to do better?

What do we have in our industry when it comes to innovation of processes and technologies that may help us make better decision for qualifying our technology leader candidate, whether or not s/he has experience in our industry?

What makes our industry specialisms, direct experience and suitability different from others that is considered most significant to technology leadership requirement?

Do we expect the new technology leader to grow and manage well our own proprietary processes and technology inventory or do we plan to begin stacking them as soon as s/he gets hired?

What are the preferences of the technology leader candidate when it comes to personal development, work, deliverables, business need, technical solutions, international standards and market brands?

What is our own definition, and how do we see the job, of technology leader in the context of our business, industry and regulatory regimes?

What is the candidate's definition of technology leader in the context of our business, industry and regulatory regimes?

What is responsibility and ownership mean for the technology leader candidate?

How do we intend to help and make the technical leader successful in the job?

If s/he has been hired, and time will tell, leave us, what is the technical leader's plan to enable and sustain the momentum of positive technological change and progress that we’ve achieved for the whole enterprise and, its foreseeable and not so distant future?

What have we learned from our past technology leader(s) when it comes to the major technology investment(s) or project(s) we had, if any, that enables us to further validate our criteria specific to hiring such a candidate?

Can we identify our technology spending, and what are the continuing costs, if any, what these spending and costs are telling us and their impact towards the organization's technology leader and our very own business operation?

Staff education, re-orientation, performance improvement and acquisition may be related for your case, check.
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