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Noble career and work (Sales leaders and agents, can join us, too!)

We are looking for independent practitioners and consultants.

Do you want to build your technology (IT/OT2AI) practice but not certain how to begin without the very trying-and-tiring trial and errors as well as wasteful and squandering mistakes which only shoos your potential clients at first engagement? Clients and stakeholders should simply be using your output. They don't have the time to keep waiting when a system should really work, not frailty, but efficiently. It's the actual case that will hold stakeholders, not only direct clients, to standstill which we shall not let it be congenitally parti pris. It's better to reach out and have something to give and prove anytime they require help. Here, you'll be guided for as long as you need it.

It's a career you can build on your own terms, should be made better to establish and maintain your edge, with your own clients. With 𝖎𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 guidance, you'll be succeeding with your clients everytime.

Have you ever proven yourself at work ad was it satisfying to want more? Do you think you have done better and can still reach your best potential? @𝖎𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 that's what we do, we never stop honing, not only the formulaic business and technical aspects, but our own attributes that makes us commit to impeccability. We need you, together we can make a positive impact to our surroundings.

If you've got some dependable capabilities having been tried and tested in a few enterprise and industry settings with the following:

Business and strategies:

  • human resources,
  • labor,
  • customers,
  • food,
  • nutrition,
  • medicine,
  • insurance,
  • environment,
  • workplace,
  • sanitation,
  • fire,
  • electric,
  • accreditation,
  • licenses,
  • securitization,
  • trades,
  • taxes,
  • audit.   

Technology and architectures: 

  • infrastructure (datacenter, everything enterprise-IT including compute {hardware, software, services}, cloud, hyperconverge, software-defined functions and business applications and productivity suites),
  • communications systems (Internet, wired and wireless networks media, license and unlicensed spectrum),
  • artificial intelligence,
  • machine learning,
  • blockchain current and future facilities,
  • data,
  • cybersecurity and security technologies,
  • data privacy.

We need the individual, as a starter, to have major specialisms at least two (2) in the aspect of business and three (3) in technology as stated above. 


Important qualifications specific to consultants:

Must know how to articulate your job and responsibilities in writing and when speaking, that when they are applied the finest points in ideas are captured for the audience, stakeholders and clients. Has proven professional engagement with at least solid three (3) years in a single company as the leader and decision maker related to the given assignment. Has dealt with every stakeholders or majority of them and have collaborated extensively with the board, business owner, executives or managers.

What we want to see in your document:

You may send your multiple pages of resume but we need a 1-pager document stating and describing further what you did from your previous work as independent practitioner or consultant. Something different from the industries' norms or simply what made you valuable from the company.

Sending document (email them to

Remove birthdate, home address and emergency contacts for now. We only need to see your contact number and email address, these information are enough to get back to you if we would like to clarify your qualification.

Application processing:

We take at most one (1) month to review applications sent via said email above and those who sent interest via LinkedIn. If you will qualify with our initial screening, we will call and message you within said period. If it takes more than that, we may consider you in the next round.

If you were contacted and have gone through the initial screening, we will need additional one (1) week to get back to you. That is if you are going to join us immediately or we will consider you in our next project.

We know how valuable everyone put their time on, either in business or life, and that we very much appreciate you getting involved by considering us in your professional journey. THANK YOU!

We are the leading no-nonsense practitioners for designing and achieving definitive success patented across the enterprise respective of systems' application domains!
                               Let's partner and together we share the gains. Refer, earn & even learn from 𝖎𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉>>.

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