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Business, technical and data conformance, company-wide and as a whole we also refer to it as enterprise technology compliance, may mean about requirements either from industry, regulation or international standards or all of them as one, reinforcing, if not promoting and encouraging the stakeholders to do something and applying the basic acceptable practices or validation of product and service compliance for their operation or utility and the enterprise. Do it right from the start, internally, as part of your responsibility, even if requirements from industry or regulatory bodies doesn't exist yet. Your technology platform may have the capability to conform especially on security and privacy already, apply them and build a strong fundamentals for your business-digital operation without being told to do so later, which is the enforcement that we don't like to do and even pay because we've reached the premium, certainly not sustainable. Don't wait, you've got it completely covered, 𝖎𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 know it well.

What if the boss can see it all, make the best of business decisions, actions favorable to customer and multi-stakeholder excellence, with time and resources a lot more cost-effective and the entire effort sustainable, rendered in a meticulous manner? 

Technology as in across-the-board with TICOSC has either changed, and for the better, improved how we do our job and deal with our businesses. We continue to do our best as we can regardless of the challenges and opportunities that may arise as long as development and progress are felt and achieved. We continue to design and work them out, as it must be usual to do better a way forward, so that we can hope that our future will be beneficial for all. That we could definitively reap the benefits.

Business conformance is
1. business-first, it's all about what the business do and the standards or fundamental intent to be efficient or the continuous elimination or reduction of wastes in resources and assets; then
2. conformance, it's how the relevant standards and rules do, no excuses. 

Enterprise technology compliance must go hand in hand with various centers across business. A business can start it all on its own. If it does, the expected benefits can be more advantageous, made integral to the enterprise, than when playing catch up and is being performed by outsiders, although, if they are picked properly, may mean the best external resource that any organization's team can have along the way.

It can even, or must, be made as building blocks of business conformance especially now that almost every entity claims to be operating in digital space, are the following:

  • High-impact cybersecurity and incident response (h-i cs:ir).
  • Cardinal virtues in business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR).

Look around. There is growing requirements from different jurisdictions and they are no longer lenient as they ever were. Regulators are keeping stack on the necessary skills and knowledge the industry is good at doing. They are not catching up, they are now playing the game. The ability to adapt to changing society and quality of human life, that should be everyone's the bottom line, not only in technology but also on environment and business operations.

A violation may mean punishment, whether with penalty in a monetary equivalent or jail for whoever is responsible or both. A violation may be a life altering moment with some mission-critical systems. 

If we can see such things and their impact to our enterprises and societies, as early as possible, we can begin to design and apply proper solutions without having to break or even increase resources for a certain effort and so the feeling of their impact on every stakeholder might turn into a motivation and self-command than a strenuous and suppressing development experience.

We can choose what will work better for each enterprise whether we are heading for expansion, vigorous on the current possibilities and potentials of next-generation's technological development i.e. smart city or industry 4.0 and sustainable practices i.e. promoting healthy workspaces, uncompromising protection of stakeholders, and nowadays an iron-willed conservation of nature and biodiversity to rebuild and thrive.

Explore technology to do just that and we don't just mean on programming machines.

We must be able to do a lot more than when technology isn't a common facility to doing business yet including how individual actions can be sincerely responsible towards our bigger societal prospects 
which future is good for the next-generations of human beings.
A strengthened technical facility, planned, built and managed properly from start, is everything as we advance our digital objectives, a quest to see everything not just exclusive for revenue generating information, and broaden opportunities for people, and that we must continue to work on it and to fit with the ever constant and variant needs, substances and situations of businesses and societies. It doesn't have to affect leaders make business decisions on their own, which most have been accustomed to, whether a technical round off is available or not.

Bad precedents just won't fade away. We engage in business while we postpone addressing the obvious problem. We cannot even fulfill basic direction prior to being in business. Reasons exist why something like this happens and they are not that impossible to correct once and for all. 
What more if we have to keep watching our back everytime we do our job, take personal information before any business can be made? If nothing is in place to ascertain our business including collection or recording and proper storage or filing of personal information with operating policies, and security and privacy regulations, that's definitely is going to ruin not only customers but also stakeholders' trust. 
How about business continuity, technology audit which is unique to the depths of finance and accounting, risk management, a sound business fundamentals and basic requirements, board and executive committee review or the entire organization's due diligence and due care effort? What's the data handling, operating capacity, environment sustainability and corporate social responsibility for and their unambiguous impact to every stakeholder and the society? 
Overall, these would constitute business conformance, which must be considered a top priority by every enterprise. 
We do not want to drag our enterprises to gossips of deep budgets with unfortunate lax management because we cannot even handle the essentials. What if we are pulled to an expensive, complex and agonizing litigation due to neglect or incompetence in a very serious setting?

Whether we admit it or not we continuously are being obligated to take up both organizational and technology capacity and precautions in order to protect personal information, confidentiality in business transactions, superiority in agreements and commitments to customers' quality experience. Technology precautions can also place overall stakeholders' well-being at the pinnacle. With such events almost all done in technical manner, digital and otherwise, we have to be nimble to make sure we have what it takes to cover stakeholders of their needs and our own business' and related phenomenon.

Are there costs to these regulatory compliance and requirements? There is and it is usually huge. It could be the feeling is opposite if your business has deep pockets. But then there is always the bottom line and ultimate outcome as a sincere and conscious measure of how good things are as against the past. Doing it many times over, it has to be something that it can only get better. Must it be usually looked upon that way? Yes, if you ask third-party companies or providers to help you do it. That is because the norm is that they simply conduct orientation, provide the basic what can be expected and give you the usual document to fill out with data that is mostly untenable on how you practically attend to your business. Their ultimate goal is to make money without realizing how unsustainable and poor decision-making it would make for everyone in the longer-term. Something is very wrong with it. The benefit for that job whom you decided to take anyway is simply not in your business interest. It is in your business interest to conform to all essentials of enterprise and governance matters. It is the methodologies and some motives that must not be allowed and prolonged any farther. Otherwise, you are going to be required to adjust and even add up on your current resource and staffing just for that particular spending, which may go on in perpetuity. That can turn your cost center to a complete drain of resources which impact is widely catastrophic as history had shown us. 
Or maybe we just lack the necessary resource(s) and information to act upon with the much-awaited decision-making prowess and be done with it properly and conclusively. 

Is business conformance just for regulatory and standards application purposes? It should be initiated, built and managed according to business practices and economic goals and not because something is demanding us to conform to a basic prescription.

If you are a big company and have already tried to be compliant, you probably have built a C-suite for technology alone and the costs accrued have been continuously passive being passed on to unsuspecting stakeholders. If not an unceasing complaint from the compensation committee which couldn't fathom a characteristic measure of such positions from other related lower-level job functions.

If you are a small company you probably haven't notice much more of what your government and industry have been clamoring about and have either just do it your way or just go about doing your business and forget these apparently unnecessary directives and policies. It's not your business but a requirement for organizations, if not the bigger, society's positive disposition.

Whether your company is big or small, it is unusually great that stakeholders are sincerely spared from anything unwanted or any inconvenience due to technological developments and from the responsibilities that only you have to resolve judiciously within your own ground.

Such charge must be neither complicated nor cushy. A balance direction would make it so significant to business and its stakeholders that it can be noticed with the manner of execution. A digital transformation, technology adoption and upgrade, any form of innovation and automation or in the case of artificial intelligence doesn't autopilot a business to initiate and maintain or facilitate an effective and efficient organization's capacity including improvement nor would continue to outclass the default of human resources know-how and other business resources' output.

A conscious and focused human intervention is needed for facts, truths and realities for technical finesse to be fulfilled and for the technical demands of the business as a whole to be delivered. We are certain that truths and facts can be distorted and can be buried with complex processes and to insist as the reality. However, reality can be easily validated regardless of the mechanisms involved to discover the genuine truths and facts.

Technology delivery impacts overall organizational performance. A failure to keep up to the expectations will exacerbate penalties and dwindling reputations. The only question we need to ask is which would we take. Satisfactory or not?

To exhaust the idea is to ask how trustable technical resources are in which it translates into a stronger business capability. Do you have an undeviating criterion?

Did you hear them concurring on the growing complexity in technology policies and the requirements that businesses have to dispensed? They may not be at all true in our business environment.

As ever @𝖎𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 this is achievable for the best interest of businesses and their stakeholders. Remember that by going the business-as-usual way is expensive and with us helping you, we will commit that you will appreciate the trustworthy measure of quality, utility and safety, and their effectiveness and efficiency to ante up an uncompromising business performance. Then you will have a say if technology can be applied to accomplish your business goals easier and make stakeholders lives a little bit comfortable. You will have to wait and prove it yourself. In the meantime, allow us to declare, it can be done. Let's do it!

Did you check what makes conformance in business and technology different and why a better way is available to address them both contiguously and properly?

Business conformance is for business facilities invested, digital processes and otherwise, to benefit all stakeholders, acclaim trust without the usual directives to do so as fact of business matter. Ultimately, it's not only about regulatory compliance, it is about making sure everything is just and acceptable for everyone.

We must build them with unabating agility, not more fringe prepotency, in their architectures to develop congruous organizations and their strategies to a greater and stronger profundity to define and assure as well as achieve a praiseworthy advantage.   
In business conformance, there are laws and statutes across borders and international standards to consider and rules to make. @𝖎𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 these are coordinators, actuators and alleviators to run technical facilities without the usual cark in humans when confronted with such declaration. We weave words with caution so that we match the realities where streamlined and fast actions can be exercised. This is unlike tinsel which we have been accustomed to around us, the causative make out of ineffective and not cost-efficient business world.   

We have been wielding technology to facilitate our businesses and accomplish a lot of things and its very own purpose is more than ever potent nowadays. 

Technology is key but they don't literally bring themselves or their own facility into play or we end up missing or wasting their most needed role in the organization.

A solid fundamental both for technical and business must be maintained and business conformance shall make stakeholders thrive, and to innovate and transform is a direction certain for salient exultation. 

You might be doing your best to make things work but they aren't just being dependable. @𝖎𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 you will find out the path easiest for your organization, the principal and your stakeholders and business conformance here was designed for varying circumstances and built for business first and, applicable and future regulations mandate. 
It is conducted semi-annually or annually. With choices on the number of hours that can be opted, either 48 hours recommended for smaller organizations or 72 hours for big and multinational companies. The selected hours will be staggered and distributed according to business schedules and preferences.
This is a promise of cyber compliance on dependable regulations and 𝖎𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 is a real deal here, and can assuredly help everyone to achieve success, with a contract that is straightforward and easily understood including costs, which can be planned and without thunderstrike.
If you are planning or currently have business with U.S. government and relevant enterprises, organizations and jurisdictions, you will now have to comply on NIST SP 800-171 requirements, More >>.

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